Tuesday, March 8, 2011

high school.

I've recently realized how important those high school years are in your life. I mean, only 4 years. And its the time for you to shine. I haven't really been doing my 100% best work, talent, and making sure I'm not lazing around, and I hope to change that. You all should invest in those years to develop talents, spend as much time with your family and be nice to them before you go to college, do your best school work, and just live your life with your friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc etc. Wouldn't it suck if you still had your middle-school-lazy mode on and you glide through high school not caring about your grades, then realizing none of the colleges you applied to accepted you, and your dream of becoming a lawyer was over? That would suck. Or when during senior year, you recieve a rejection letter from Stanford university, your dream college, and would do anything just to go back to freshman year and study more for tests (yup, no more facebook), be more 'well rounded' with your activities and do volunteer work. or when you look back when you're old wishing your teenage years were funner and more adventurous? (did i spell that right?) do it before its too late!! seriously, you won't regret it one microbe bit.
So everyone, please do your best in high school, it will really pay off in the future.
Currently, I'm gonna do photography, flute, basketball, travels, and writing plus extra volunteer hours over the weekend. What r u going to do? (comment below!)

golly gee whiz. that was deep. hahahah.
but i'm serious, do your best!!

PS looking for places to do volunteer work? http://www.teenlife.com/ has good options and places you can work at. Also visit local animal shelters, the community center, senior place etc to look for more.


  1. i don't know if you noticed.. but your percentages at the top of the page greatly exceed 100% ...just sayin.

  2. what i meant by "polls" were the following topics. Otherwise, everything r polls
