Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sun Flare - Photo Contes - I heart Faces -

Hey this is my entry for the I heart faces photo challenge titled 'Sun Flare'.
This title for my picture is The Strength of the Sun
the website is called: http://www.iheartfaces.com/
it has a ton of contests + fun stuff!
What do you think???
comment below!!!!! :)
PS do you think i should have a photo contest? If you do, go to my other blog: http://www.photography-fanatic.blogspot.com/ for more!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

high school.

I've recently realized how important those high school years are in your life. I mean, only 4 years. And its the time for you to shine. I haven't really been doing my 100% best work, talent, and making sure I'm not lazing around, and I hope to change that. You all should invest in those years to develop talents, spend as much time with your family and be nice to them before you go to college, do your best school work, and just live your life with your friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc etc. Wouldn't it suck if you still had your middle-school-lazy mode on and you glide through high school not caring about your grades, then realizing none of the colleges you applied to accepted you, and your dream of becoming a lawyer was over? That would suck. Or when during senior year, you recieve a rejection letter from Stanford university, your dream college, and would do anything just to go back to freshman year and study more for tests (yup, no more facebook), be more 'well rounded' with your activities and do volunteer work. or when you look back when you're old wishing your teenage years were funner and more adventurous? (did i spell that right?) do it before its too late!! seriously, you won't regret it one microbe bit.
So everyone, please do your best in high school, it will really pay off in the future.
Currently, I'm gonna do photography, flute, basketball, travels, and writing plus extra volunteer hours over the weekend. What r u going to do? (comment below!)

golly gee whiz. that was deep. hahahah.
but i'm serious, do your best!!

PS looking for places to do volunteer work? http://www.teenlife.com/ has good options and places you can work at. Also visit local animal shelters, the community center, senior place etc to look for more.


Smile!! Theres no reason to frown! :D The sun always comes out after a thunderstorm <3

I just felt like being optimistic there! I found this pic of my cousin in my pictures and it made my day :') isn't she the cutest kid in the world??

ugh. :(

unfortuantely for the technical difficulties the blog has been moved here.
i had 800 views!! there were views from the US (no duh), England, Vietnam, Australia, Poland, Cambodia, and more. lets hope it also comes here! :)

"We are all in the gutter. But some of us look at the stars." -Oscar Wilde

OK its not that depressing. i just felt like being emotional and posting a quote here. u will c that often! :')

scroll down to find my other posts, my flickr pics and soon to be coming - more!

What do you collect? + Advice Column #1

hey everyone! So as you all know, due to technical difficulties I have moved my blog from http://www.fruitytuttygal.blogspot.com/ to this site: http://www.thoughtspillingblogger.com/ . Apologies for all confusion about this!!
Anyway, I decided to post the most recent blog post onto this blog to get into the blog spirit. Said 'blog'many times!!
Those were all of my collections for you! :) Now tell me what you collect in the comment section of this blog. (I now changed it so that anyone can comment, not only google users, so comment away!!)
What do you collect?
I collect notebooks, erasers and recently started collecting phone charms! :) Look below + you'll see them
Those were all of my collections for you! :) Now tell me what you collect in the comment section of this blog. (I now changed it so that anyone can comment, not only google users, so comment away!!)

I love collecting food and animal erasers! they r so cute! check iwakousa.com for more :)

I've recently started to collect phone charms, but because my phone isn't designed to have phone charms I put them all on bag zippers - its so cute and a nice fashion accessory :) bag- vera bradley-villager-loves me

Ah yes, my notebooks. I always seem to bother my family when I buy them because I have so many and I only use about 10% of them! I just can't help it!

I have recently gotten another email asking for advice from an anonymous person.

 i can not really get attention from boys. I'm fifteen now and have never had a boyfriend (i know its so embarrassing!) I have a bunch of guy friends but they don't seem to like like me! all of my friends have boyfriends and I'm reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly jealous! Boys are so cute but they are NOT all i care about. what do you think i should do? -anonymous 
Dear Anon,
            First you have to ask yourself why? To look good in front of others? To fit in? To actually have a romantic relationship? Figure out whether its really worth it or if you crave a boyfriend just because your friends have one. If you really want a boyfriend you could possibly (?) ask the guy out yourself. Sometimes it's the girl that asks the guy out. Also ask yourself, what makes you jealous? Is it because they have a companion like that and you don't? That they are more 'mature'? You should first ask yourself these questions before moving on.
             Maybe you should take your mind off of boys and the jealousy that your friends have one and you don't. Why not meet other people and maybe invite them over to your house? Join a school club or activity outside of school? Who knows, maybe theres a boyfriend for you out there somewhere! If you're really desperate you could maybe think about your appearance a bit more. Maybe some more makeup or more clothes? I know its wrong to judge a person by his/her looks, but face it, we all do some time or another!
              Don't worry that much about not having a boyfriend. I mean, I don't have one either! I bet most of the girls at your school don't have one. So don't worry!
Good luck! <3

Need advice? Write to any of these emails: oceangirl3863@aol.com or sunshine5621@yahoo.com

Hope you enjoyed this post everyone!! :)

***PS I added even more pictures on flickr from my vacation in california!! please check all of them out and tell me what you think in the comments! www.flickr.com/olivias-cool-photos

Once again, sorry for the blog confusion! So remember to come here instead of my other blog! :)